Friday, February 6, 2009

My New Button

Thanks to the two Jamies for designing and coding my new button! Jamie at A Day With The Dodd's and Jamie at Kids...Me& RAW III . They are so awesome for making me a new button. Check out their great work and feel free to grab it and pin it up on your blog!

It is true what they say...BE Smart Love A Jamie!


  1. Every household should have a Jamie! We are quite handy! LOL I think it looks fabulous!

  2. I agree, I love my button!!!! Thank you so much. It looks so cute. Your the best.

  3. How come you didn't tell me you had a button? I had to find out on my own, how sad is that???? I could have helped you too since I just learned.

    Anwho, I 'grabbed' it and now yours in on my site as well. YAY!!!

  4. Thanks for the note on my kids crafts; it was really cool for them.

    I think the 'Jaimies' are right to have them fix it for you. And Jamies seems to be really good at making a 3 column blog. Have you asked her about it for you? I bet she'd do it for you.

    My apologies for not making you a button, it's really, really easy.

    So I think I'm asked you before 'How do you Jamie? If you need a personalized header I'd be happy to set that up for you as we.


  5. Oh, the reason I said that the the 'Jaimies' are right about adjusting your blog to a 3 column, is because if they know how than it's best to get it for free. I created my own header (which I change often) and got my background free, but as far as the 3 columns, I had to pay for and I also paid for the prayer box on my gage. I feel my site/blog is a ministry so the prayer box was a must for the page.
