Friday, January 9, 2009

Lable your Containers Please

I have a funny story to tell!!! I had to work Wednesday and Thursday afternoon shift so I haven't blogged in a couple of days. The girls from work heard the story,sorry,but it too funny not tell even at my own expense. It all starts out in a far away land...oh, no just kidding, It starts out from me calling home and checking up on everyone to see how their day went and say goodnight. My oldest son Jordan went along with my husband and acted like he wasn't home from work yet and they didn't know where he was at 8:50pm. Heath's normal time home is around 8 O'clock. I started to worry because the roads were getting bad because a storm was settling in our area of Michigan. I just said I would call my neighbor to go look for him, Jordan puts Heath on the phone, needless to say I was upset at the two of them and hung up the phone. I got home an hour late too because it was still snowing. I proceeded to heat my food up in the microwave from lunch and pored some gingeral to drink. I thought the pop looked a little flat, but I shrugged it off and sat down to relax and read the last couple of chapters of the fourth twilight book and try not to be mad at my husband anymore. It was dark and quite in the house. The kitchen stove light was enough light for me while I ate so I didn't notice how thick the liquid was in my glass. I took a couple of bites and preceded to take a drink, as peanut oil coated the inside of my mouth it occurred to me why the pop looked flat. I finally settled down to close my eyes after a hundred of mouth rinses and teeth brushing. The moral of this story is PlEASE label all containers when you fill it with a different product. LOL I hope this has made you smile a little. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Flu

The Flu is a horrible thing. It all started Sunday, well Saturday night I should correct my self. My hubby, aka, Martha started vomiting while the girls were screaming during Paige's sleep over. I felt bad for him as he continued all the way into Sunday night. Then the puck start to fly. So far it has been a human target striking one person at a time. Jordan was next! Monday morning he was sick or so I was told, with me being at work taking care of more vomiting people, first thought that pops into my pea size brain is he just wants a day off of school. Then Paige is struck by the flu bug last night of her real birth day, which has made it the worst birthday ever, I kind of agree with her. Who will be next? I just hate it when the kids get sick they are so sad looking. Also, to add to my worries Ashley is home with a hormonal migraine. My pray for today is for my family to be healed of all this sickness and for a little sleep. LOL Until I blog again, off to a leaders meeting for Girl Scouts.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Paiges Friend Party

Paige had over some of her friends for a sleep over. They had a great time. Enjoy the pictures I tried to pick and put in order. I want to fix a couple of them I just need more time to fix them. I remember having sleep overs a a young girl. What fun!! To be nine again, maybe I could get another pink silk jacket again for my birthday. LOL Aim really having fun with is blogging. I'm not computer smart so it is taking me awhile to set things up. A computer dumbo. and proud of it. I'm working on getting all my scrap booking stuff in order. I was given a cricut for Christmas. I'm so excited I get to scrapbook in style.Well I have to go. Going into work early so I need at least an hour of sleep. Until we blog again
With love,